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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.




Name: Giacoma Hamze de Luca
Age: 31
Home: West Peninsulas
Alliance: Dustcatchers (formerly Nero Syndicate)

Giacoma de Luca was a noblewoman and smuggler for the Nero Syndicate. With her brother Cyrano by her side, she was unstoppable – until the Syndicate decided she was too dangerous for her own good. Betrayed and bleeding, she faked her death and fled to the Sands of Glass.

She found a home with the Dustcatchers, helping these desert scavengers steal a skybreaker to crash and loot satellites. That, too, could not last. Her crew were corrupted by an Hour: a military satellite controlling a nanovirus plague.

Alone and adrift once more, Giacoma has set out to find a new home and family – if her past doesn't catch up first.


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