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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.



The negotiator

Name: Omotukane Bello
Age: 39
Home: Core River Nations
Alliance: None

Omotukane Bello built upon her father's fortune to establish herself as the most renowned fixer, broker, and negotiator in the world. Now she helps anyone who can afford her astronomical fee, and allots her free time to challenges that intrigue her.

She's more than a jet-setting mastermind, however. From her mother, she inherited a rare crystalline magic – and learned how her father co-opted it to amass his wealth. It's given Omotukane an uncomfortable new perspective on her family's power. She's not willing to relinquish it... but she is determined to rewrite her legacy in fresh terms, as neither pawn nor tyrant: just the woman who gets things done.


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