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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

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Announcing Atma: A Roleplaying Card Game

Meromorph Games


Whether you're an experienced roleplayer or have always wanted to try it, Atma will immerse you in a full-fledged RPG in 2 hours!

Illustrated tarot-size cards fuel gameplay focused on quick setup, engaging play, and high creativity. There are no source books, stat sheets, or pencils needed; the only non-card components are two D6 dice and a few currency tokens.


Play sessions have 1 Game Master and 1-4 players. You'll pick a stage and characters at the start of the game. Stages have 51 cards detailing a location and its inhabitants, while characters consist of 8 cards and are meant to be learned as you play them.


If you're new to RPGs, don't worry — Atma is a perfect introduction for new players, and especially new GMs; a simple currency mechanic helps the GM control the flow of the story.

Stages and characters can be replayed infinitely; no two games will ever be the same. Characters can be played with any stage.

We plan to launch the game September 7 2020 on Kickstarter. If you’d like to become a playtester, or you’re a reviewer interested in a pre-production copy, email us. To be notified of the Kickstarter, click below!

You can also join our Discord, play the game on Tabletop Simulator, or try it for free in your browser!