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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

Meromorph Games Blog

Art and gameplay design diary as well as current news and updates.

Atma Kickstarter launches Sep 7 2020

Meromorph Games


We’re excited to share the date for our upcoming Kickstarter campaign for Atma: A Roleplaying Card Game! It will be a 3-week campaign launching Monday September 7, 2020 at 8AM EDT.

If you’d like to learn more, you can already see bios for the 12 characters that will be included, or join us on Discord to play the game ahead of time online.

You can also join our mailing list to be notified when the campaign launches (we only use it to announce new campaigns).

Atma at Gen Con Online

Meromorph Games

Thank you to everyone who has signed up for one of Gen Con Online sessions of Atma: A Roleplaying Card Game. If you enjoyed the event, here’s a bit more info about Atma:

  • We’re launching a Kickstarter for the physical card game version of Atma on Monday, September 7, 2020.

  • We use our mailing list solely to announce when we launch new campaigns, so join here if you’d like to be reminded.

  • You can continue to play Atma with your friends via the free virtual tabletop. The Tipper City stage and first 4 characters will always be available.

  • We use the Atma Discord to run sessions roughly once a week, featuring additional stages and characters. Please stop by to chat about the game or share your play experience!

Play Atma in your browser

Meromorph Games

We’ve added another way for you to try Atma prior to the Kickstarter. In addition to the mod for Tabletop Simulator, you can play using our completely free virtual tabletop in your browser at (Chrome and Firefox are supported).

Anyone can host a game as GM; share the game ID and up to 4 players can join in. The first batch of content is currently available, including the Tipper City stage and the characters Kilo, Laterne, Belyaga, and Yasmin.

Update: Thanks to our Kickstarter backers, ALL of the Act I content will be available until we fulfill the Kickstarter. That’s 4 stages, 12 characters, and 3 promos!

If you need help with the game, are looking for players, or just want more ways to chat about Atma, join our Discord channel!