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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.



 Reviews and previews

Atma is a great way to get into RPGs. It has lots of jumping off points for stories, it’s a pretty forgiving system, and it’s easy to set up and play right out of the box. The board gamer in me appreciates the cards, and you can come up with some pretty interesting stories in a game session.
— Boards & Bees
The setting’s story isn’t given to you all at once, but divulged in a very Dark Souls style where every card has a different piece of the world’s lore — creating a sense of exploration just by playing the game.
— When Can We Play?
The players learn the game very quickly and on the fly, as the GM you never feel like the enemy, and we had an absolute blast. A must have for RPG lovers.
— Dads Board Again
This is, from start to finish, just trying to make the act of roleplaying and creativity as easy as possible — with tons and tons and tons of cards which are going to act as prompts so you tell unique stories every time.
— Shut Up & Sit Down
I strongly encourage everyone to try Atma. You know how you buy a tabletop RPG book and never get it to the table even though you want to? Atma is the opposite of that.
— Troy Press
All of the characters, enemies, locations, stories, etc. are woven together through these beautifully illustrated cards. There are dice and tokens to use to resolve actions, but the world is wide open, just like an rpg should be.
— Board. Game. Dad.
Atma provides a fascinating world for collaborative storytelling — plus the card-based system is simple and approachable for a first-time GM.
— Going Analog
Each deck is packed full of clever details and strange creations, a playground of ideas brought to life in lush color.
— Meeple Mountain
It was fantastic, and I am confident that we could play every night for over a year and never recreate the same plot.
— GeekDad
Atma is an unusual game but ultimately made up of familiar parts. I had a lot of fun playing it and it is both compelling and fast to set up. If you like RPGs and want one that you can launch in minutes then this is definitely for you.
— Mephit James
As a person who doesn’t have the time to write D&D and all that...[Amta] specifically said the GM doesn’t have to prep...and the story just happens as we go along and it’s easy to fit into it.
— The Broken Seal