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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

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Dev Diary: Stars Below Lore

Meromorph Games

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

The Shipwreck Arcana is a real game about a fictional deck of cards. The deck exists in a world which is described only as "sunken" or "drowned." The world's history is unknown — but it is hinted at by the fictional illustrator of the tarot deck, providing a glimpse of the history that surrounds it.

The main deck and the first round of expansion cards hint at a number of primary stories. But in the cracks that remain, as well as in the cards contained within the Stars Below expansion, you’ll find one last story with a slightly different theme than the others. It is still a story about destruction — but also, this time, a story about what comes after: the tale of the Stars Below.


She plays games by daylight, this one. Wielding power in The Lord’s court, moving pieces about the kingdom. But the power is not hers. The pieces are borrowed. Even the moves she makes are dictated. Restless, she seeks out games with sharper pieces, greater stakes. She accepts gifts that were better rejected, maps that were better left unexplored. What treasures she finds with them! More pieces brought into play.

She masters the game, or it masters her. She can play with her eyes closed. Perhaps she chooses not to see. Though she never feels the slightest tug, the strings already dance above her. She is a piece herself, making moves against the world. The tools she unearths chip away at its facade. Too soon, there is nothing left to support its weight, and it teeters above the beckoning waters.

The Fall is terrible, and inevitable.

But it is finite.

Over this swallowed land, over these jagged waves, The North Wind rises. She, too, is restless. She churns the seas with frost, and in the ice, stars shine reflected.

Do they shine from above, or below? Or could it be that they shine from both, that the stars live now in frozen sky and frozen sea. They are twins, burning in two worlds. Each fails to provide heat. Each settles for candlelight.

If you closed the book now… if you turned over the cards, and walked away… the world would have remained in ice, glittering from within. The Lantern would cast rainbows into the night, and the stars would answer.

But The Thief cannot walk away from that which glitters, and she has her own passages within the ice. She means to steal, and yet in the end she gives. Every starry jewel she plucks from its cradle is a seed waiting to thaw. Cut free, they do not wait long. Their form is one of change.

The roots take hold, cracking the ice. The leaves are smoldering embers, the trunk a charred husk. It is newborn, and it is ancient, this tree that rises from the sea, weeping rivulets of fire. And from this mixture, fire and ice rejoined, the world springs back into motion. It was waiting, all this time.

No cards can tell how long it took, or what it cost. But maybe that is better. Old worlds, doomed and drowned, are always a chrysalis. A tragedy ends, the lights wink on, and something new takes place.

This time, there is music. The snap of fire. The crashing sea, never one to be forgotten. The wind whistling for its due. Every creature that springs forth from The Ash brings an aria with it. They are The Musicians, one and all.

Would they recognize this world, growing and fiery and rooted in the grave of the old one? Would they who came before look up through the green ocean and be filled with sorrow at their loss? Not all of them. There is one who never stopped toiling, who never lost hope in the ice and darkness. He has served lords. He has served lands. He has served everyone save himself.

When he walks up the beach, leaving footprints in the cooling sand, The Musicians do not ask: How did you endure? They hear it in his voice. He sings the same words as the Stars Below the waves:

Fallen is not extinguished.

Art from the archive: Part 5

Meromorph Games

These blog posts will feature art from various projects Matthew has done over the years.

The story: Kevin is running a short roleplaying scenario for our 3 younger sisters using a Chinese fantasy setting he crafted. He asked me to draw his character classes, and I used the excuse to practice speed sketching.

Drawn: 2019

Stars Below card deep-dive: The Ash

Meromorph Games

This is part five of a five-part series of articles on the design of the cards for The Shipwreck Arcana: Stars Below expansion.

The Imago is the only standalone promo card we’ve made for The Shipwreck Arcana. If you haven’t seen it before, it looks like this:

It serves a unique niche: trying to get 7s on the board. Plenty of other cards that care about fates in play never actually get the chance to look at 7s, because they usually cause cards to fade the moment they arrive. The Imago is a “trash can” (see part 3 of this article series) that doubles as a mantelpiece for displaying 7s, making them less dangerous and also making other cards behave in new ways.

And if you’re wondering why we’ve spent this post talking about an old card instead of a new one, allow me to explain the purpose of The Ash:

Spoiler alert: it’s very similar to The Imago.

Much like its predecessor, this design is intended to make the usually-dangerous 7s into “safe” fates. Unlike The Imago, it makes them 100% safe, reusing the “comet” indicator as a way to avoid ever fading due to the fates piling up in front of it. Mix in a mandatory effect, and this single card flips the game upside down by turning 1s (and 2s) into the most dangerous fates to play!

This card basically summarizes Stars Below. It uses mandatory effects and unique fading. It has gold text and the comet indicator. It creates new play patterns out of regular old fates. It’s surprisingly simple, almost turning it into another building block.

And its artwork caps the narrative begun in the fictional deck of The Shipwreck Arcana, a year and a half ago. It will be covered in detail soon, in our final Lore post for the game: The Tale of The Stars Below.

Art from the archive: Part 4

Meromorph Games

These blog posts will feature art from various projects Matthew has done over the years.

archive art 4 deus.jpg

The story: Shortly after I got my drawing tablet, I was pretty interested in webcomics and needed projects to work on. This was from a short comic I made with Kevin (he did the writing, as usual).

Drawn: 2010