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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

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Gen Con 2018 and Upcoming Games

Meromorph Games

Gen Con 2018 is approaching (Aug 2-5), so here's what's coming up for Meromorph Games!

Gen Con 2018 Exhibit Hall

You'll be able to find us in the Exhibit Hall this year at booth #2646. We'll have existing Norsaga and The Shipwreck Arcana products for sale. Stop by with your Gen Con coupon book to grab a free promo card:


If you're a Kickstarter backer of either game, we'll also hook you up with those promos, regardless!

We'll be running demos of both games in our booth, along with something new we're working on...

Prototype artwork shown.

Our current project is a pocket fighting game, which requires only a handful of components and features quick, tactical gameplay.

  • Players secretly and simultaneously program their desired actions and movements each round, then reveal and resolve them, which keeps gameplay moving and limits downtime.
  • Luck is limited to a single die roll each player makes each round, which determines their priority. Everything else is outguessing your opponent to land hits before they do.
  • A diverse roster of 12+ characters with their own abilities and signature moves gives endless variety. Special map tiles, gameplay modes, modifiers, and items can be mixed in for even more.
  • The game scales easily from 2-4 players, and we're testing it all the way up to 8 players. Modes include free-for-all and team battle, and we're testing AI opponents for solo and co-op play.

Overall, this game presents a very flexible, expandable fighting system that you can take anywhere, teach anyone, and play quickly. We're excited to be demoing it at our Gen Con booth this year, and after the convention we'll be preparing Print-and-Play files for anyone interested in playtesting the game at home (shoot us an email at if that's you).

If you enjoy it as much as we have, I expect it will make its way to Kickstarter in 2019!

Game design by Peter Plashko, Matthew Bishop, and Dan Miller.

Photos from Gen Con 2014

Kevin Bishop

For those who couldn't be there, here's some pictures from our event table at Gen Con. DSC00905

Setting up our banner after forgetting the zip ties.


Set up and ready to go Hall D opened Thursday morning, despite having to run around and find the Game Master badges that Gen Con forgot to mention.


Prototype copy of Norsaga, with an additional hero deck for playtesting.


Let the embellishing begin.


The tireless Norsaga gang, including its designer (second from left) and artist (second from right).