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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

Meromorph Games Blog

Art and gameplay design diary as well as current news and updates.

Shipwreck Arcana Reprint and Mini-expansion

Meromorph Games

Post-Gen Con greetings! While we've previously talked about potential upcoming projects, this post is meant to cover a new subject (for us): reprints! We're close to exhausting the initial print run of The Shipwreck Arcana, which means we're figuring out the logistics of a 2nd print run campaign.

Why run a reprint via Kickstarter? Primarily: logistics. We can try to personally fund a print run up front, but we're not sure how many to print. We can freight them to the U.S. and continue fulfilling via the webstore, but that's challenging for international patrons who can't afford expensive shipping. We could try a preorder system, but raising awareness is hard. Doing a Kickstarter -- and throwing in some spicy new bonus cards via a mini-expansion -- helps solve all three issues.

We're currently planning to launch the new campaign on January 29th, 2019. If you or someone you know has been waiting to grab The Shipwreck Arcana (especially internationally), this will be a great time to obtain everything at a reduced shipping cost. If you're a previous backer who's interested some new cards, please keep an eye out as well. You can join our mailing list to be notified when the Kickstarter launches (currently, that is absolutely all we use if for). You can also keep an eye on the Meromorph Games page on Kickstarter directly.

And speaking of those new cards, here's one of the concepts we're playtesting:

Fuse: Play one of your fates here. Each turn, I fade if the sum of my visible fates is at least twice your hidden fate.

Fuse: Play one of your fates here. Each turn, I fade if the sum of my visible fates is at least twice your hidden fate.